Met up with Shaowei after work. He said to countdown for my birthday~ And cus it's our primary school friend @beatricesays's birthday today... he joked bout celebrating Beatrice birthday for her here in Sg~ Cus Beatrice is travelling in UK now.

We wanted to go Cuddles Cat Cafe at Scape~ but the poor kitties looked so tired. They were lazing around. So we skipped the idea in the end. But the cats were so cuteeeee!! All with fluffy tails~
While standing at the glass window, I wasn't sure if it was humane to support such cat cafes. Shaowei was stroking my head three times and I got irritated. I was wondering if these cats felt the same way.
So we had light dinner and cakes~ At midnight, he sang me a birthday song.

We were both so tired. It was a random simple dinner. But i was thankful and glad. And he wore my favourite shirt tonight~~
Only 3 hours into my birthday and I'm feeling so much love around me already. All the important people took time to text me at midnight. Even the particular someone who didn't say "happy birthday", but he took time off work to drop me that random text at midnight.
It means a lot everyone. The funniest part, was that everyone wished for me to find happiness.
My favourite line tonight was from Nut.
"Be someone thats makes you happy not be with someone that makes you happy!"