#throwback to 19 October 2014, 21:00.
Location, somewhere on the way to Tokyo, Japan.

So apparently, as we were on the topic of
Love at First Sight, it turned out that many people do not believe in love at
first sight, and argued that love can be developed over time.
The hopeless romantic in me chose to
believe, and try to convince them about my Love
at First Sight theory. They stopped arguing, but I don’t think they are
Now that I think about it, maybe our
definition of love at first sight in different. For me, it’s the initial
connection when you know that this person might be your cup of tea.
(Coincidentally as I’m typing this, the guy sitting next to me on the plane
now, is asking for his third cup of tea).
It is the first impression. I guess, that
does not define love. But then again, there are people who, at first sight, you
detest. And obviously, this is when love at first sight does not happen.
These people I’ve been talking to, I think,
they think too much into looking for love and the perfect person. They
considered about the other person’s job, family background, looks… the 5 Cs I
I worry, as I get older, and as the heart
get broken enough times, I start to become practical logical people like them.
I am losing sight of love, and the courage to jump into a relationship just
because it felt right. Even with love at first sight, I stop pursuing what I
(Right on cue, a crying baby on the plane
reminds me why I don’t fancy kids)
Recently, I’ve even felt that maybe I don’t
need a relationship. The mere thought of being in one, getting to know a
person, holding hands, first kiss… suddenly felt like a big project. The
romantic in me is lazy to go into that now.
What’s becoming of me.
Hey Sister! Do you still believe in love? I wonder~~ Avicii's Hey Brother playing on my playlist now.