Finally got to meet up with Shaowei to pass him his gifts from Japan. I surprised him with a bottle of pepper that I got from a supermart in Tokyo. He obviously didn't guess it right. I reckoned, the only way to show the person you care is through small simple day to day things like that.
He brought me for supper. Order damn a lot cus I kept niam-ing that I was hungry. And was given the evil eye when I said I'm full less than halfway thru supper.
He brought me for supper. Order damn a lot cus I kept niam-ing that I was hungry. And was given the evil eye when I said I'm full less than halfway thru supper.
Had frog porridge, sambal stingray which was damn shiok and char kuey tiao~ Spoilt rotten cus I don't have to decide what to order. Because Libra's about balancing; we tend to think too much into everything. Including what, where, how, when to eat for dinner. So deciding for us is doing us a huge huge favour.
Propensity for indecision can make even the smallest mealtime decision seem monumental and a source of stress for Libra.
#throwbackselfie~ cus it was late by the time we realised that we didn't take any. This was taken few months back, when Shaowei came over to PinkRoom. He brought us kueh from his dad's biz for our PinkRoom's Appreciation Night Party.
On a side note, here's a libra's eating habit:
Librans love to dine on fine meals and they enjoy their food. They like to be creative about their meals and will enjoy eating with chopsticks. Light, sociable meals are preferred as eating is something Librans like to enjoy in company. They don't particularly like coarse bread, nuts or dried food. They will put small forkfuls into their mouths and they will never talk with their mouths full! Ruled by Venus, the visual aspect of food is important. Veal, pork and chicken are Libran favourites. They love desserts that combine two or more textures like strawberries and ice-cream.
Source: http://www.russellgrant.com/horoscopes_astrology/horoscopes/eatinghab_libra.php
#sodamntrue! I can almost hear Cheryl agreeing to the part that I don't like nuts. Kor says I eat like a bird. And everyone knows I love strawberry and ice-cream.
So into horoscope recently. Oh. My horoscope app told me that I would receive money today; it told me not to resist it or to be sceptical about it. I didn't receive any money today. Hmm, maybe it was referring to the "free" dinner.
It was a good night tonight. Managed to run a few errands. And Shaowei even help pump my car's tyres. Nothing beats having a guy around~~