11 Oct 14 :: Halloween Horror Night 4 at USS

A super scary night at the Halloween Horror Night 4 #HHN4~ There was eight of us, like a quad-date. Each girl had a guy to grab.

Shuqin was surprised when I gamely agreed to go. To which I was surprised myself too. Quite quickly after agreeing, I regretted. Cus I realised she would be grabbing her boyfriend. And I couldn't grab her. And I wasn't close to the other guy she asked along.

Over the week, it escalated to become eight of us.


I had work. Drove over to Sentosa after work. Had dinner with Timothy, before joining the rest of the group. First haunted house was crazy - Jing's Revenge. Crazy cause it was just me and Tim. And it was the first house, so I didn't know what to expect. I was grabbing Tim every time we turn a corner.



It was 2am by the time we left USS. Tim drove home, Zhiyi took the shutter bus. While I sent the rest back. Was sitting at the boot of the car texting SQ and a friend. 

Super confused about something that has been happening recently. So I was getting a guy's POV. Hmm.

I reached home at 4am. And Kor wanted to go for breakfast. So I went along cus I was starving.


Tim bought me a Stardust Fuchsia Double Bracelet from Swarovski for my birthday. The present came with a really sweet card filled with cats... and pink.


P/S updated Playnation blog post with more photos: