16 sept 14 :: the right one

Recently, I've been thinking a lot about choosing the Mr Right.

There in front of me were many different guys. 
Some richer than the others, some taller, some better looking and some were funnier.

Then there were the few that clicked with me.

At 3 weeks shy of 26th birthday, I reckoned, I couldn't follow my feelings to go in any relationship, just because. It seem to me that the next relationship could just be forever.

I was trying to follow my feelings, and my feelings brought me to C.
For so many reasons... and of course, the three years history we had behind us. And how our names matches. I've always felt that he was the One.

The brain is trying to convince me that someone more stable is more important. 
So they are still debating.

This afternoon, Shuqin said, I had to use my heart AND my head to decide.
We'll wait for the conclusion. And I hope it wouldn't take too long.

I secretly hopes the heart wins. 
Cus the eyes agrees that we look good together. And the lips, they loved his kisses.