The wedding of my primary school friend~ Charles's BFF~ held at Intercontinental Hotel.
Happy wedding to Weiliang & Choon! I seem to have special affinity with this couple. The guy, I've known since primary school, went on to the same sec school & later even to the same course in SP. The girl, we were in the same class throughout the 4 years in sec school! Happy to be part of your special day ♡ Wishing you both 恩恩爱爱, 白头到老~
Happy wedding to Weiliang & Choon! I seem to have special affinity with this couple. The guy, I've known since primary school, went on to the same sec school & later even to the same course in SP. The girl, we were in the same class throughout the 4 years in sec school! Happy to be part of your special day ♡ Wishing you both 恩恩爱爱, 白头到老~

My partner of the day was of cus dear Charles. There was a really nice candid pix the professional photographer took of me and Charles. Was looking forward to Weiliang posting it up~ It was on the projector live fit. Everyone said we looked so happy together.